Festive enforcement action?

13 Dec

We know that the season of goodwill is also not uncommonly a time for increased enforcement activity by the authorities.  You – and your staff – should be aware and alert and ensure that due diligence systems are ‘dusted off’ and briefed out as a timely reminder.

By way of example of such possible pro-activity, please see below just issued by our local South Yorkshire police:

“Please check your premise licence with regards to conditions and times relating to licensable activities (including plans of the premises) to ensure that you are covered for any activities that you wish to provide. This includes both internal and external areas.   If you intend to provide any licensable activity that falls within your premise licence times and conditions, then a TEN is not required.  However, if you are not covered by your licence and intend to submit a Temporary Event Notice (TEN), please make sure you allow enough time for the application to be processed...

Test Purchasing


As you will be aware, test purchases are carried out throughout the year with an average 90% pass rate. However, the latest test purchase held on 10.12.13 showed only a 28% pass rate. This is obviously disappointing and further test purchases have been planned in the coming weeks as a result of this. Please remind your staff to be vigilant and adopt the relevant Challenge 21/25 procedures.”

Law correct at the date of publication.
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